Madera County Water & Natural Resources is offering free educational “Lunch and Learn” webinars in July. This webinar is on Zoom – so bring your own lunch and watch and learn from the comfort of your home or office.
On Friday, July 17 – Living in the Foothills
12:00 Noon to 1:00pm
This one-hour class/presentation gives information to help you live effectively, safely, and in harmony within the landscape of the foothills of Eastern Madera County.
Please click this URL to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89391884123?pwd=TWppdGQyNithY3RreFBzS294MGprdz09
Webinar ID: 893 9188 4123 Password: 364024
Water and Natural Resource staff are reachable at 559-662-8015 or you can visit them on-line at – maderacountywater.com.