Enterprise System Catalog

California law requires local agencies to publish a list of “enterprise” systems. These are systems that are used across multiple departments or that contain information collected about the public and are systems that serve as original sources of data within an agency. Certain systems are exempt from this requirement. Learn more about this law



Vendor Product System Purpose Category/Data Type Custodian Collection Frequency Update Frequency
Adobe Acrobat Pro PDF Document imaging/management Internal Not applicable As needed As needed
Microsoft Office 365 for Business Creating administrative documents and email management. General documentation and data organization Public, Internal, Private Not applicable Every day Every day
Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System for 4 laptop computers Public and Internal Not applicable Ass needed Automated
GoDaddy WordPress Website Services Public Not Applicable As needed As needed
Google Google Drive Sharing documents, Email, reporting Public and Internal Not applicable Every month Every Month
QuickBooks QuickBooks Online Accounting and payroll services Internal Not Applicable As needed Automated
Meta Facebook Social networking: Program applications, educational material, program pictures, resources. Public Not applicable As needed As needed
Meta Instagram Social Networking: Program applications, educational material, program pictures, resources. Public Not applicable As needed As needed
GIAI GPS GAIA GPS GIS mapping software for map creation and analysis of spatial and temporal data. Internal Not applicable As needed As needed
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS GIS mapping software for map creation and analysis of spatial and temporal data. Geodatabase, shapefiles Internal Not applicable As needed On demand (automated)